Arduino based Medicine Liquid Density Meter
Load cell, sensor, DS18B20, ArduinoAbstract
A measure of the viscosity of a liquid drug formula needed to make drug syrup. A measuring instrument is needed to measure the viscosity. On the market, analog measuring instruments are used to measure the viscosity of the formula, which causes it to be less accurate and precise. Because of this problem, a digital density measuring instrument is needed. The limitations of digital density meters, especially liquids, urge the author to conduct further research on the digitalization of this measuring instrument. This research aims to create a digital density meter for liquid materials with a high level of measurement accuracy, as a reference measurement study for liquid density in digital form. This instrument is designed using the load cell method as the main sensor. The density meter is also equipped with a DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor to measure liquid temperature. The data will be analyzed to obtain the accuracy and error of liquid density measurements from the density meter. The liquid samples used for research were Pertamax, sun and water. The sample accuracy and error measurement results are respectively 99.83 percent and 0.17 percent for Pertamax, 99.63 percent and 0.37 percent for diesel and 99.46 percent and 0.54 percent for water. The measured density value will then be displayed on the 16x2 LCD.